احجز الآن

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Um Kulthum is an Egyptian singer who mesmerized Arab audiences from the Persian Gulf to Morocco for half a century. Um Kulthum entered her “golden age” in the 1940’s, as her musical direction matured and she was able to balance her own artistic integrity with the need to keep up with the times. Um Kulthum, was the first singer to have a musical style composed specifically for her. The style consisted of a band dominated by string instruments, specifically the Qanun. The headboard in the room mimics the ends of the Qanun, emphasizing the importance of this new music style. Moreover, an old radio is used as a side table, as Um Kulthum used to broadcast her songs every Thursday on the radio.


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52 Baouniya Street, Jebel Al Weibdeh
Jabal Al-Weibdeh - Al Baouniyah Street
Telefax: +962 (6) 460 2020