احجز الآن

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Sabah Fakhri, is a renowned Syrian singer known for his sweeping tenor vocals. He started as a Muezzin (the man who sings the call to prayer). He is heavily regarded as a masterful technician in the art of Maqamat (a set of pitches and motifs that make up the principle melodic concept in traditional Middle Eastern Music). Moreover, his incredible use of harmony and magnetic stage presence helped him cross over to international countries that were non Arabic speaking. He has also sung at prominent events such as the Noble Peace Ball in Sweden and the Beethoven Ball in Germany. The design of the room features Islamic epigraphy to honor his time as a Muezzin. Fakhri is known for his signature look, as he always sported a black suit and white shirt. Subsequently, the black and white palette of the room was used to reflect his attire and personal taste.


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52 Baouniya Street, Jebel Al Weibdeh
Jabal Al-Weibdeh - Al Baouniyah Street
Telefax: +962 (6) 460 2020